Thursday, March 11, 2010


-प्रयास घिमिरे
नजिकिने वाहाना थियो उनीसँग बोलें मैले
डराई डराई लजाई लजाई मनको कुरा खोलें मैले

आँखाभित्र बसिन् उनी पहिलोे भेटको प्रभाव यो
दिनको चैन रातको नीद उनकै नाम छोडें मैले

भीड पनि एक्लो लाग्छ उनीसँग भेटेदेखि
साथीभाई आफन्त नातागोता तोडें मैले

जवाफ पर्खी बितेका छन् तड्पाईमा हरेक पल
मुस्कान हो या विभाजन खतरालाई मोलें मैले

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

हिकहिकाईमा तिमीलाई सम्झँदा

लहरी घिमिरे

छुटेका थियौं तातो हात मिलाएर प्रिये
केवल एकैक्षणको त्यो नींद जस्तोे मीठो याद
आज फेरी कोशौं दूर यो प्रदेशमा, दुश्मनको सीमानामा
चिसो राइफलको वेंड समाएर तिमीलाई सम्भि्करहेंछु
पत्र यहाँबाट कहाँ जाने महिनौं दिनमा पुग्ला कि हराउला
बरु वाडुलिमा हिकहिक गर पिये, पानी पिउँदै मलाई सम्झ केवल नींदमा
सपनामा भेट भए त्यो विहान कस्तो आनन्द आउला!
प्रतिक्षा गर प्रिये
वर्ष दिन बिताएर छुऒ्ढी काट्न आउँला
तिमीलाई मनपर्ने बुट्टेदार चोलि फरिया ल्याइदिउँला
आमा र बहिनीलाई एउटा चिनो अनि सासुलाई बर्को
र भनिदिनु ज्वाईं आउनेछ आउने दशैंमा!

म आएपछि फेरी प्रिये हाट भर्न जाउँला
तिम्रो सुकोमल हातभरी सुनको चुरी, औंठी बनाइदिउँला
तिम्रा रहरमा जम्मा चीज।
अनि म स्वयं म रहर रहर भै दिनेछु
हो त भेटको पुनीत अवसर कसरी झल्कन्छ आँसुमा
त्यो सुखद क्षणको परिभाषा दिएर!
अब फरी त्यो खुशीको क्षण, त्यो मिलनको दिन
पर्खंदै बस प्रिये
जीवन एक पर्खाइ न हो, जीवन एक आशा न हो, जीवन एक संघर्ष न हो
यसैले हामी ज्यादै आशावादी छौं, यसैले हामी ज्यादै संघर्षशील छौं।
निराशा त एक मृत्यु हो जो लिन हुन्न कदाचित
जो दुखदायी पनि छ।
वस् प्रिये तिमो हिकहिकाईमा यति सम्झे
म सन्तुष्टिको स्वास फेर्ने थिएँ
सायद म पनि हिकहिकाउँदै तिम्रो प्रेमको उत्तर पाउने थिएँ।
उही तिम्रो

Friday, February 12, 2010

exams and result

there is no secret to success. it entirely depends on how best effort we put on our works and the best result is the outcome of our best deeds. how much time we spend for making our deeds best that much pleasure we get on knowing the result. that is what my exam result has shown me today. though i had no expectation of good result, some what bitter feeling troubled me after i heard my number not being in merit list. had i worked hard and put my best effort on my study at the time i needed for my exam, i would not have been in this situation today. anyways, the only way to convince myself is by saying FAILURE IS WHAT MOTIVES US FOR SUCCESS. the condition i was in at the time when i was appearing for my exam was so tough that this failure is the certain fact.

i was busy in my job and at the same time i was a bit distressed about my life itself and so it was obvious that my exam was being ruined.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

True Love

This is a story about the love between husband and wife. This is from "Gift Of The Magi" by O.Henry. It is about a young married couple called Della and Jim who are poor and live a barely furnished rented apartment. It is the day before Christmas and they have both been working out what to give each other to show their love. The wife, Della, wants to give her husband a watch chain to give with the gold watch he inherited from his grandfather, which he is very proud of. She finds it costs $21 and all she has is $1.87. She decides that the only thing to do is to sell her beautiful brown hair, which is so long it rreaaches to her knees. In whatever country or culturre, a woman's hair means almost as much as life itself to her. But Della makes the sacrifice, seliing the hair to a wigmaker, and she buys a platinum watch chain with the money.
Her heart pounding with excitement, she waits for her husband tto come home. He returns at last, and when he sees her, he is dumbfounded. The present he has brought for hrer is a pair of beautiful tortoiseshell combs to wear in her long hair. Della assures him that her hair will grow long again in no time and holds out her hand with the platinum watch chain gleaming in it. Jim collapses on the couch, then says with a smile, "Dell, let's put our christmas presents away and keep them a while. They're too nice to use just now. I sold the watch to get the moneyy to buy your combs."
Source: The NSGI Times, Dr. Daisssaku Ikeda (SGI president)